Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne therapy and what hormone makes acne bad in women

There are far too many myths and lies that surround acne and the causes of it as such, but when it comes down to the bottom line, knowing what is the difference between teen and adult acne can mean the chance of suffering from it if you do not make changes in your life. The most popular myth of the number one cause of acne is that people wrongly believe dirt and dirty skin is the cause of acne. While this does effect some of your skin condition, it is not however, the main reason behind suffering from acne, nor is it the only reason people suffer from it. In fact, washing your face too often or too hard can cause a rash break out on your skin, or damage the capillaries that carry blood to your face, leaving you with damaged skin and a chance of suffering from acne Rosacea.
We very rarely seem to sit back and realize that something is a skew and rather than understand what is happening we jump to conclusions. Obviously when we have an acne outbreak something is going on with our bodies that is causing this to happen. Granted it is far easier to get some wonder drug that will help us to overcome this problem quickly.
3. Both tablets have little to no side effects. They do not require a prescription and are a lot cheaper than other acne medications.
tags: acne free scar treatment, clearasil daily face wash acne gone in 3 days, deoderant acne remedy

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